My Daniel Plan Experience: Day 2

by Sami

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Daniel Plan Experience Day 2

Day 2 of my Daniel Fast experience went well and included the addition of my daughter to the plan and an explanation between fat and bloating in my body…

After sharing with my family how good I felt after just one day, my daughter wanted to jump on board as well. So yesterday was a little bit tougher since I had to consider her taste buds as well, but she was pretty good about sticking to the plan with me.

You’ll see below that I didn’t experience the amount of weight loss as I did after the first day, but my waist is continuing to shrink. I’d thought I’d just gotten fat, but the truth is, I believe a lot of it was bloating, most likely due to eating things that don’t agree with my body.

I was diagnosed with CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) after my junior year in college. Well, that’s not entirely true – I became very ill after my junior year in college and spent two years suffering while traveling back and forth between a myriad of doctors until I was finally diagnosed in 1998. Upon finding a specialist, I quickly was put on a diet that eliminated gluten, sugar, caffeine, red meat and dairy.

Keep in mind, this was WELL before gluten-free was a known term like it was today, so I was quite limited in what I could eat. However, within three months, I went from being the sickest in my life (& a weight of about 150 pounds) to the healthiest, and even competing in the Ms. USA North Carolina pageant (& weighing about 125 pounds).

Once I started feeling better, the doctor said I could gradually start adding those forbidden foods back into my diet, and while they didn’t make me sick like they used to, they obviously haven’t helped me either. This isn’t just about getting to a certain weight, but I know that as an adult and an athlete, I sat comfortably for years around the 150 mark, so my current weight is VERY foreign to me.

Remember, if you want to join in, you can purchase the Daniel Plan HERE or join in on the 21 Day Fast (through Christ Fellowship) HERE. No-one asked me to do this and I’m not being compensated.

Daniel Plan Experience: Day 2

Breakfast: Veggie Egg Scramble
*Recipe from the book*
– While this is what was on the plan, there was no recipe per say, so I created a beautiful veggie egg scramble with onions, multi-colored peppers and spinach.

Snack: Carrots & Hummus
– Not the specified snack for today on the plan, but my daughter didn’t want the cinnamon almonds

Lunch: Turkey with Spinach & Hummus
– Luckily, last time I was a Trader Joe’s, I found nitrite/nitrate free slices of fully – cooked turkey breast…they literally look like they’ve been carved off a Thanksgiving turkey! I made a little roll up with the spinach and hummus.

Snack: Crispy Chickpeas
*Recipe from the book*
– Well, my once Crispy Chickpeas became less than so after being stored in an air-tight container. Any ideas for how to fix this?

Dinner: Crockpot Beef Stew
*Recipe from the book*
– I honestly had to go back and look at the Detox Plan several times to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. I know in the book of Daniel it mentions they only had vegetables and water, so I was surprised to find beef stew on the Detox Plan, but it was there! This was honestly one of the yummiest and easiest beef stews I ever made.

Crockpot Beef Stew Daniel Plan

Weight & Measurements
Weight: 195
Waist: 41″

Since Yesterday: 0 pounds lost & 1 inch down
Overall: 5 pounds lost & 2 inches down

* The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life

There are several Daniel Plan resources available (though I only have the book, so I can’t vouch for the others.) Keep in mind, if you purchase anything through the Amazon affiliate links below, I will make a small percentage of the sale at NO extra cost to you.

* The Daniel Plan Study Guide: 40 Days to a Healthier Life

* The Daniel Plan Cookbook: Healthy Eating for Life

* The Daniel Plan Jumpstart Guide: Daily Steps to a Healthier Life

* Daniel Plan Journal: 40 Days to a Healthier Life (The Daniel Plan)

If you’d like to join me in this Daniel Plan experience (or just have an encouraging word!), will you please let me know in the comments below? Here’s to good health!

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