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If anything begins to disintegrate your life with Jesus, turn to Him at once, asking Him to re-establish your rest ~ Oswald Chambers
Do you ever have the feeling that you’re different from absolutely everyone else in the world? I’ll be completely honest: sometimes I feel like a complete and total outcast. Even in out social-media laden world, it’s easy for me to feel alone.
I know I have a Father in heaven who loves me, and yet it’s easy to get caught up in wondering whether or not I’m the only one who thinks, feels, believes, and acts the way I do.
People ask me all the time how I do all that I do. The truth? I don’t know how to not do all that I do; I don’t know how to stop. My mind never shuts down and to be honest, for all the things you see me doing, there are exponentially more things I feel I should be doing or am creating in my head.
My best friend lovingly called me out on some things this morning which 1. Makes me eternally grateful to have someone who knows me and loves me like that and 2. Caused me to take some time to pause and reflect.
I don’t have any answers or wisdom for you today, simply transparency in the hopes it might help someone else who is feeling alone or unworthy.
PRAYER FOCUS: Transparent
In light of what I just shared, I pray each of us are willing to be open and vulnerable – and have at least one person in our lives you can be open and candid with.
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Hope you make it a great day!