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I’m back and revealing what I do every time after I’m done taping my show…
Revealing My Post-Show Ritual {The Daily Dash: August 10, 2021}
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- National Lazy Day
If there were never any clouds in our lives, we would have no faith ~ Oswald Chambers
It’s good to be back with you guys again! I tried to unplug last week in Florida and we truly had a great time relaxing that last week before school started and celebrating my mom’s 75th birthday.
I just finished taping my show today as well and wanted to share my post show ritual; every time after I finish taping, all I want to eat is a tuna sub from Jimmy John’s with a large root beer and salt & vinegar potato chips. Don’t ask me why, it’s just my favorite and for whatever reason, the only time I treat myself is after I tape my show…and everyone close to me knows it🙂
Do you have something special you do for yourself on a regular basis?
As I’ve experienced a lot of stress and anxiety over the past 24 hours preparing to tape my show, I’m thankful to the people who spoke peace over me and pointed me back to Jesus. I pray you have the same sensation of peace today, as well as people who can be that for you.
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- Focus on the Family interview
- Get healthy with aloe
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Hope you have a great day, make sure you make it great and don’t forget to tell someone you love how you feel about them!