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* ConAgra brands recalled 67 tons of Salisbury steak dinners
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I received a not very nice email the other day. In my line of work, I get several inquiries today from people that would like to work with me/advertise on my site, etc. Some are flattering, some are spam.
On occasion, I’ll be the one pitching a company, brand or destination. This week, I did just that, at the recommendation of another PR professional I’ve worked with in the past. The response I received was not just a “No, thank you” or “Not at this time”, but more akin to Julia Roberts trying to shop in an expensive Beverly Hills boutique in Pretty Woman.
Believe me, I don’t think me or my brand are the right fit for everyone, but the way I was addressed (or should I say, put down) by this woman really caught me off-guard; she made sure to put me in my place.
My instinct was to retaliate, to prove my worth, to push back…but I knew that would not change her and likely would only cause me more stress. It’s reminded me of two things:
- Consider how you treat others – ALL OTHERS. You never know who someone is, how they’ve been hurt, what there story is, how you can help them, or even, how they could help you in the future.
- Only work for what you’re worth. As a woman, I’ll admit, I’ve undervalued myself in the past. No more. I would rather stand on my own two feet, pay my own way and be the one who blesses others rather than being dependent upon someone who will hold it over my head for eternity.
It makes more re-ask myself, “Where does my power stem from?”
For me, my power comes from the Lord and my faith in Jesus Christ. I want to pray that same power over each of you today and recognize we are all responsible to care for those around us on this earth, but ultimately we answer to a party of One. If I let my finances or my fear guide my instead of my faith, I’m no better than her or anyone else that tries to put me down.
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Hope you make it a great day!