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July 29, 2014: Use the Library
Want to enjoy the latest books, music and movies, but don’t have enough money left over in your budget for entertainment?
Well…when’s the last time you visited your local library?!
If you consider books cost between 15-25 dollars, movies can run $50 for a family of 4 and an average CD is $12, it’s easy to blow a hundred dollars without blinking! But all of those things can be borrowed from the library for free.
I’ve even borrowed Kindles, taken my kids to puppet shows, and heard world class speakers all for free at the library.
It’s also a great way to test out cookbooks and other resources before you buy to see if they’re something you really want to use for the long haul.
So what are you waiting for? Go find that library card today and discover the immediate impact it will make on your entertainment budget!
The Family Money Minute is made possible by Operation Christmas Child, who reminds us that by saving money, we can make a bigger impact on the lives of needy children around the world.
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