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The Daily Dash: February 26 2016 {Open Table Nashville}
* last GOP debate last night before Super Tuesday
* Factory employee in Kansas kills co-workers
* Cruz & Carson to appear at #proclaim16 here in Nashville
* As you know, I not only teach for Lipscomb University, but I also teach a dual-enrollment class for Lipscomb at a local high school. Since I needed to be there in person today, I brought my kids with me. So while they’re not in their own school, they’re getting an education of a different sort today.
Tonight, we’ll also be volunteering for the first time with Open Table Nashville, an organization that helps homeless and under-resourced individuals here in Nashville. It’s something the kids get to do with me, so I can’t wait to share about our experience.
Speaking of sharing experiences, we got to see a preview of Zootopia last night and the kids haven’t stopped talking about it. Out of the blue, they’ll just say “that was really awesome” or “that’s my new favorite animated movie”. I’ll do a separate review later, but suffice it to say, they’re already wanting to know when they can see it again – and I really enjoyed it too.
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Hope you make it a great day!