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The Daily Dash: September 28, 2018 {Love North Carolina}
* 9 hours of testimony in Kavanaugh hearings; Senate agrees to wait a week for FBI investigation
* Elon Musk accused of security breach
* Tiger Woods leads Team USA in Ryder Cup
* Body of missing NC boy found
* National North Carolina Day
The very character we exhibit in our present surroundings is an indication of what we will be like in other surroundings ~ Oswald Chambers
Whew – did anyone else spend 9 hours yesterday watching the Kavanaugh hearings? I couldn’t turn it off while I was working. It was an absolute circus and my heart breaks for the families of all involved, but I’m relieved to have just heard the will postpone the vote for a week while they investigate further.
Today is also National North Carolina Day. Behind the scenes, I’ve been working with my daughter to put her talents to use in an effort we’ll call “Compassionate Fashion”: putting her hand-drawn designs on gear that will be sold, proceeds of which will go directly to the victims of Hurricane Florence in North Carolina.
So many of you reacted positively when you saw her “Georgia loved” hat she drew for summer youth group missions trip, so it made us think more on how she could help as a teenager.
She drew a design that we’ve now put on everything from hats and shirts to mugs and buttons. These items are for sale (for now) on both Zazzle & Amazon. I’ll admit, we don’t make a large amount from the sale, since these outlets do all the fulfillment, but every little bit helps, right?
Plus, isn’t the design fabulous? I’m a proud mama.
We’re excited to see how this is received. PLEASE consider sharing about this movement on your social media accounts:
And if you’d like to see your state in a design by her, leave a comment below and we’ll see what she can do!
PRAYER FOCUS: Compassion
I pray each of us not only practices compassion in the lives of those around us, but finds a way to put our passions and talents to work for the good of others.
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Hope you make it a great day!