Are you living?

by Sami

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Are you living?

On a trip to Florida last fall, the kids and I went to church with some of our favorite friends. We couldn’t bear to part ways, so we continued on to a bakery afterwards to grab a quick breakfast treat. It was such a beautiful and uncommonly cool day in FL that we decided to extend our fun together and visit a local pumpkin patch. Upon learning of the news, our friends’ oldest daughter exclaimed, “This is the best day of my life!”
happy-kidsWhen you have small children, you’re constantly amazed at how delighted they can become over the smallest things. As soon as I heard her comment, I thought to myself, “We should strive to make every day the best day of our life!”

And why not?! If we’re constantly learning and sharing, then it’s not unreasonable to look at each and every day as a gift that can improve upon the day before.

I once heard that there are really only 2 important questions in life:
1. Are you living?
2. Will you live forever?

While the answer to the second can seem fairly straightforward for us as Christians, I would venture to say that the first question may feel a bit vague. I would also go out on a limb to say that many of us are simply existing instead of truly living. We think, “If I can just make it through _____ , I’ll be ok (you fill in the blank…today, this week, this month…I think you get my point.)

The problem is that we’re not guaranteed anything past today!

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. ~ Romans 148

As a blogger and writer by profession and passion, I often find myself working on my computer late into the night (with two small children, it’s really the only time I can coherently collect my thoughts!) However, fatigue inevitably sets in – even though I usually haven’t accomplished all I had originally set out to do. So, more often than not, I’ll leave my computer on with multiple windows open, fully expecting to return to it the next day. The problem is that my tomorrow doesn’t always allow me to pick up where I’d left off. To me, this is the exact opposite of living well.

As The Music Man so eloquently states:
“If you fill your life up with a lot of tomorrows, you’ll find yourself with a lot of empty yesterdays”

Where are you today? Do you find yourself sitting amidst a lot of unfinished business or living well? If you know where you will live forever, then there should be a noticeable impact on your life today.

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1 comment

Sheila September 1, 2011 - 1:44 pm

“If you fill your life up with a lot of tomorrows, you’ll find yourself with a lot of empty yesterdays” — I like that. It’s so easy to get wrapped up with worries about the future and regrets about the past. It’s what we do NOW that’s important. I love kids. They’re so easy to please and they’re very appreciative.

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